The whole unit is very heavy, quite a difficult 1-person lift, and it is also delicate, so this item is definitely pick up only, from Towcester, Northants.
It is suited to professional use in many fields, including silicon chip measurement, metallurgy, and biological work. the average wavelength of light and therefore the ultimate limit. In practice, it is possible to resolve 1 micron lines on a silicon chip, and to get some idea at 0.5 micron, i.e. The 5-way turret includes 4x, 10x, 25x, 40x and 80x objective lenses. The power supply for the illumination is included and can be seen working in the photos. It has a very wide range of lenses, filters and polarisers. Age is unknown, but probably more than 25 years old. Tools Manuf.This is a Vickers Instruments Microscope, in good condition, ex-laboratory, so minor marks and the slight damage noted below. Xiaomei, Non-abrasive polishing of glass, Int. Mahadevan, electro-chemical mechanical polishing of copper and chemical mechanical polishing of glass, J. Sylvania, Thermal performance of borosilicate tubing. Schott, Types of technical glasses, physical and technical properties (Schott Technical Glasses, Germany, 2000), pp. Lehman, The Mechanical Properties of Glass, Theoretical Strength, Practical Strength, Fatigue, Flaws, Toughness, Chemical Processes, Glass Engineering 150:312, (Department of Ceramics and Material Engineering, Rutgers University New Jersey USA, 1998), pp. (John Wiley and Sons, New York, 1976), pp. Uhlmann, Glasses, Introduction to Ceramics, 2nd edn. Harz, H Engleke, Curvature Changing or flattening of anodically bonded silicone and borosilicate glass.
Goodman, S Lockery, Pressure polishing: a method for re-shaping patch pipettes during fire polishing. V Babrauskas, Temperatures in Flames and Fires (Fire Science and Technology, Issaquah, WA, 1998) Vassilev, The glass transition temperature of silicate and borate glasses. The paper is concluded by comparing the results of fire polishing with the results of acid polishing, in which HF of 1.6% concentration is used to etch the ends of the borosilicate glass pipettes. The results show that 2350 butane propane gas mix is optimum for fire polishing of borosilicate glass capillaries. The experiments involved analysis of fire polishing process for borosilicate glass capillaries using candle, butane, propane, 2350 butane propane, oxyacetylene gas flames, finding the optimum distance of the capillary relative to the flame, optimum time for which the capillary should be held in the flame and optimum region of the flame which gives the required temperature range. Photomicrographs were taken on a Vickers M41 photoplan microscope or on a Nachet NS400 for Nomarski interference microscopy, with Kodak Panatomic Xfilm and a green. The working range of borosilicate glass is 800–1,200☌.
Sharp and uneven edges of these capillaries pick up particles of rubber or soft silicone shavings, rendering them ineffective for IVF treatments. These capillaries are held in a customised holder having padding of soft silicone or rubber. These capillaries are cut manually to a length of 100 mm from hollow glass rods resulting in sharp and chipped edges. Glass micro tools in the IVF industry are drawn from hollow glass capillaries of diameter 1 mm.
Hydrofluoric acid (HF) was also used as an alternative to finish the pipette end. In this paper we investigate a number of gas flames for fire polishing borosilicate glass capillaries used in the manufacturing of IVF micro-pipettes.